Saturday, December 26, 2009

Highlighting dark hair w/ honey, golden, copper highlights at home?

i have very dark brown hair (darker than in my avatar picture haha) and i want to add some honey/golden/copper highlights, kind of like miley cyrus' hair.

here's a picture of her highlights:

what's the best home highlighting kit to do this? thanks XOXO :0)Highlighting dark hair w/ honey, golden, copper highlights at home?
Have it done at a salon. Home highlights for dark hair generally dont work.

WHY?- you need to bleach out the pigment first and many people do not know how not to damage their hair when they do this.

You need a lot of strong peroxide, and if you make a mistake you can end up with green or orange hair- damaged .

Go to a salon, the people there are pros.Highlighting dark hair w/ honey, golden, copper highlights at home?
no girl, get it done at the salons. please. the bleach is very harmful 2 your hair.
Sounds pretty...But couldn't see your picture.
Well your link doesn't work... Loreal is really good about their products... I'd try one of theirs.
i would try loreal or go to a place to get it done

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