Saturday, December 26, 2009

If I dye my hair at home will the highlights show through?

My natural hair color is medium ash blone. Right now I have the underneath of my hair dyed dark blonde and the top is highlighted light blonde (various shades) usually I get highlights and lowlights alternating each visit to the salon to avoid the bleached out looked.

My hair color is natural and pretty but I'm thinking of going medium brown in the fall (done it before it looks nice) I would like to do it at home to save money (going dark at home, i would NEVER try going like again, its too tricky), and I was wondering if all the highlights will show through or will the color just look flat and not multi tonal. Should I just spend the money and go to the salon.

Any thoughts?If I dye my hair at home will the highlights show through?
I've had really good results with Natural instincts. I like to get my highlites done at the salon, but in the fall/winter I sometimes go brown. The hair dye will not just be one flat shade b/c your hair is different colors each strand will absorb the color differently. However it's not going to look as dramatic as highlites do. The good thing about Natural instincts is that it washes out, but it takes a good 2 -3 months and you won't have roots!If I dye my hair at home will the highlights show through?
when i get my hair dyed the highlights didn't show through, i had to get highlights when i got my hair dyed.

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