Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dose at home hair highlights damage your hair?

yesDose at home hair highlights damage your hair?
no if done properly, well it depends, if it normal hair colours being black, brown, blonde, or red, not an extreme red but like a browny red then they will come out fine if you read the label and follow instructions, but you should always have someone there when you dye or put highlights in your hair. But no it isn't any different than going to a stylist. It is normally cheaper.Dose at home hair highlights damage your hair?
All highlights damage your hair to a certain extent. It depends upon how light you're going. All I can recommend is using conditioner, particularly on the ends of your hair.. and using some sort of serum to prevent further damage through blow drying and straightening. I should know, I have platinum blonde hair! All done at home.
any kind of highlight is damaging to the hair, because you're stripping the natural pigment. just be sure to deep condition %26amp; moisturize %26amp; protect hair when heat styling to prevent any excess damage. -*D*
Any hair product can damage your hair just make sure you follow every deatil in the directions and you will be fine.. + you can buy a conditioner treatment..
not really.. ive done it before..

just make sure you follow the instructions on the box and seperate your hair because it'll be really nasty if your hair gets all mixed up and blochy.

be sure to condition your hair after.
all highlights have a certain amount of damaging property's they contain peroxide.. the kind off the shelf is not as strong as salon products so you will be fine.
Don't highlight or dye your hair at home. Most of the time the products just kill your hair. Yes, getting it done profesionally is more expensive but it last longer and won't kill your hair.
not anymore then the ones at the salon do.

iv had both

but salon ones look soooo much better but it is fine 4 just a new lil summer look. do it just dnt put tooo much in
yes! its better to do it at a proffesional salon though. you can always tell the difference between box and salon.
if you do it corecctly, then it does not damage your hair anymore than it does at the hairdresser
ALL highlights damage your hair ESPECIALLY the at home ones.
not unless you use the rich conditioner it comes with.

but, sometimes it does...becareful with the kits you buy.
No more than other highlights. If you don't know what you are doing they will not turn out right though.

if u buy the right ones, you wont have any problems

just dont buy off brand

yes........you could end up w/ zapped off to the root hair
not necessaraly. its just a cheaper way of doing it!
meh yes meh
As long as you get a name brand it should be okay :D
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